My very good friend Mark is unashamedly Dr Who mad. I can't say I understand it at all although I did rather like the life-size Dalek that he used to have sitting in his kitchen. Anyway, he's even had a short story published in a book of Dr Who themed tales. It's called Dr Who: Short Trips
Depsite being way too, well, Dr Who-y for my tastes I did think his story was very good. Reviewers (yes, he's so famous that his short story, The Man on the Phone, has been reviewed) appeared to like it very much, too. (Thanks Mark for ensuring that I am emailed every review of your entry in this fabulous book.)
I believe Mark has met pretty much every Dr Who and a good number of associated characters. He goes to conventions and makes strange trips to visit places where Dr Who programmes were filmed (or maybe where Dr Who once landed, or ate his tea, or visited the loo?! Who knows!)
Now he's bringing Dr Who to Glasgow. I thought I might go but Mark says he won't let me in. I think he's scared I'll ask a question he can't answer or start giggling in the front row. But for anyone who has always been a Dr Who fan, or who has become a Dr Who "returner", or for those so young that this century's Dr Who is all new and shiny, then why not head to his event?
Mark himself is chairing the event at the Glasgow Book Festival "Aye Write" on March 7. There will also be a few Dr Who stars (including Mark obviously) in attendance.
And Mark is right. If I went along I would have an overwhelming desire to scream, "Exterminate", before leaping up and running behind the nearest sofa!
PS. Amazingly Mark is only 2 letters from becoming Dr Who himself. The Eleventh Dr Who is played by actor Matt Smith (Mark is called Mark Smith). Spooky!
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