A Glasgow Tri Club comrade was sporting a shiny new pair of the Newton Gravity trainers at the run session last night. They do look very beautiful and certainly the extra ledgey bits underneath the front sole look interesting. These trainers, which have been 10 years in the making, have received rave reviews in many sports mags. The theory behind the footwear is that they better mimic the advantages of barefoot running and should help to prevent many of the niggles and injuries of runners. The claim is: Newton running shoes will help you to "run smoother, more efficiently and, ultimately, faster". See here for the science stuff. The club's El Presidante - aka David - has promised me a Newtons review soonest. In the meantime, he said they are ace and they did seem to make him run a lot faster than most folk last night. In Glasgow Achilles Heel, on Great Western Road, are selling the Newtons.
I'm interested in anything that makes me run faster...will await report! Missin' you guys at yoga, bet you're all doing very advanced stuff now!!