I have finally almost finished the www.fionaoutdoors.co.uk blog that I have been working on for some time now (er, maybe about 2 years!). Thanks to Duncan, my ultimate wordpress pal for his kindness and support in my new project (he has been a total star), and to Ramsay, who also helped me to make some finishing touches to the site.
And so I will now be writing my blogs at www.fionaoutdoors.co.uk (my own domain name!). In due course I'll be moving all the old blogs to the new site. The new site allows me to put blogs into categories (for easier access to previous post reading). Plus there are all kinds of exciting widgets, plugins and shiny gadgets that I have already/will be adding. I'm hoping to expand this blog site into a more useable fionaoutdoors resource and to add reviews of kit etc. You can still view all my published articles, on-line work etc here too but it will now be stored neatly in sections.
You can see my latest fionaoutdoors.co.uk blogs here
I have really enjoyed being with blogspot and it has offered an invaluable outlet for my witterings and for building up my work base. But I felt it was time to try a new platform and to use my own domain name (I bought it about six years ago so it's about time it was put to use!).
The new blog is still a bit of a work in progress so my apologies for any wee gremlins. In fact, if you spot anything really rubbish please do email me. I would welcome any favourable comments, too.
If you are currently a follower of my blog (and thanks so much for being so lovely) you can continue to keep in touch with my new blog by clicking on the RSS feed on the new blog. I will continue to add new blog links to this old blog for the time being. I'm very keen for you all to come with me if you'd like to. I'm hoping the new blog site will be just as good - but shinier and more useful. I do hope you'll like it.
Excellent news! Gone to check it out. x